and this would mean that one would not expect as intense, steady, continuous or prolonged response as with direct application. If the effect was verbal and not chemical you would expect the message to undergo dilution, confusion and dissipation in going roundabout ways to an active site just as a message relayed through 4 or 5 persons rarely arrives at the 6th person with the same clarity as it would have if #1 spoke directly to #6.
But now to the main experiment of direct injec- tion: The fact that Versene and sex hormones have the same effect may surprise the layman but not nec- essarily the biologist. Certain eggs may be induced to divide and proceed all the way to complete indi- viduals after being pricked by a pin or exposed to various specific chemical changes in the surround- ing medium, just as they would do after a spermatozoa penetrated and fertilized them. This demonstrates that sperm, hormones, etc. things that we tend to think of as having certain unique and almost magical properties, are really only rather special kinds of bullets with affinities for special targets. But their effects can also be elicited by other means when some experimenter happens onto the necessary conditions.
The fact that female hormones elicit typical female nurturing behaviour should be no more sur- prising than that it will cause the male breast to enlarge. The substructure on which it works--the target if you please--is there in the male but is not usually subjected to a high enough level of fe- male hormone (or conversely, it's effects are in- hibited by the excess of male hormone) to bring about the characteristic result. The rudiments of the sexual structures of the other sex exist in each sex.
If this is true where there is some act- ual anatomical structure involved which must deve- lop from a common forerunner, it is certainly not surprising that there exists an area in the brain which controls the mothering, nurturing behaviour